How Do We Find Out What’s Important to Our Audiences?

Ted Rubin
2 min readJan 15, 2023


How do we find out what’s important to our audiences? Ask them! Have social conversations, pick up the telephone and talk to your best customers. Engage them in conversation. Ask them what’s keeping them up at night — what they’re passionate about, or how you could improve your product. Social is great for asking those kinds of questions so you understand where your audience is coming from rather than simply trying to sell them something. And most important… LISTEN. There is a conversation happening on social platforms every day so start paying attention.

Most people forget about the power of listening! This should be the result of asking questions to find out more about your chosen audience. Which ultimately should end up as conversations which is what social engagement is all about. AND DON’T FORGET… Social Engagement is NOT just about social platforms. Telephone, Zoom/GoogleMeet/MicrosoftTeam, and Face-to-face (yes, we are doing that again 🙏🏻) are such valuable forms of communication and conversation… do not always be concerned with scale, insights come from so many places. Adapt your communication to better engage with those you are looking to match.

Old marketing was dictation… New Marketing is conversation and communication. Change from Convince and Convert to Converse and Convert!

Originally posted at



Ted Rubin

Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass... it's about learning to dance in the rain. :-)